Woelf Dietrich: Interspecies
Mark G. Brewer: Avarice
Mark G. Brewer: Confluence Point
Woelf Dietrich: These Broken Worlds
Woelf Dietrich: The Mercy Giver
Dennis Michael Groves: Random Access Memoriam
Eileen Mueller : Dragons Realm
Eileen Mueller : DragonTales (Anthology)
David Hair: Ascendant's Rite
Anna Smaill: The Chimes
Y K Willemse: Rafen
Y K Willemse:The Sianian Wolf
Y K Willemse:Servant of the King
Y K Willemse:The Fourth Runi
Tihema Baker: Watched
Philippa Ballantine: Weather Child
Philippa Ballantine and Tee Morris: Dawn's Early Light
Mark G. Brewer: Orbital Envy
Mark G. Brewer: Regan's Reach
Drew Bryenton: Halo of Thorns
Adam Christopher: The Burning Dark
Rachael Craw: Spark
Emily Gee: The Fire Prince
Paul Gilbert: The Sovereign Hand
David Hair: Mage's Blood
Karen Healey: While We Run
Anna MacKenzie: Donnel's Promise
Paul Mannering: Engines of Empathy
Juliet Marillier: Dreamer's Pool: Blackthorn and Grim
Ian Miller: Gaius Claudius Scaevola 2: Legatus Legionis
Ian Miller: Gaius Claudius Scaevola 3: Scaevola's Triumph
Phoenix Writers: Lost In The Museum (Anthology)
Thomas J. Radford: Tantamount
Freya Robertson: Sunstone
J. E. Ryan: The Witches of Autumn 1: The Glass Projector
Steve Ryan: The Worm King
Nalini Singh: Archangel's Shadows
Nalini Singh: Shield of Winter
Tim Stead: The Sparrow and the Wolf 1: The Seventh Friend
Tim Stead: The Sparrow and the Wolf 2: The Bloodstained God
Tim Stead: The Sparrow and the Wolf 3: The Pity Stone
J. L. Tomlinson: The Empyrean Key
Cathy Ashford: Jaseth of Jaelshead Book 1: Bloodkin
Derin Attwood: The Fortress of Faltryn
Philippa Ballantine: Kindred And Wings
Philippa Ballantine: Harbinger
Philippa Ballantine and Tee Morris: Ministry Protocol
K. D. Berry: Fountain of Forever
Anna Caro and Juliet Buchanan (Editors): Regeneration
Sam J. Charlton: Journey of Shadows
Sam J. Charlton: The Citadel of Lies
Adam Christopher: The Age Atomic
Craig Cliffe: The Mannequin Makers
Woelf Dietrich: The Seals of Abgal
Kerry Dillon: In Pursuit Of Darkness
Daniel Falconer: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Chronicles - Art
and Design
Daniel Falconer: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Chronicles -
Creatures and Characters
Jennifer Fallon: Reunion
Gregory French: Manhood
David Hair: Ghosts Of Parihaka
David Hair: Scarlet Tides
Sharon Hanneford: A Cold Day In Hell
Karen Healey: When We Wake
Shaun Hick: The Ghost And Its Shadow
Deb E. Howell: Healer's Touch
Sanjay Joshi: Pratibhashali - The Talented
Peter King: Changels Book 1: Serendipity
Peter King: Changels Book 2: Metamorphosis
Peter King: Changels Book 3: Die Bruderschaft
Elizabeth Knox: Mortal Fire
Simon Lee: The Fall of Mars
Aaron Lim: Unholy Wars: Revelations
Lyn McConchie: Kataagein - The SF/F Cat Storoes of Lyn McConchie
Lyn McConchie: Flying Free
Anna MacKenzie: Cattra's Legacy
Phillip Mann: The Disestablishment Of Paradise
Paul Mannering: Tankbread 2
Juliet Marillier: Raven Flight
Juiliet Marillier: Prickle Moon (Collection)
Ged Maybury: Nosebleed
Ian Miller: First Contact 1: A Face on Cydonia
Ian Miller: First Contact 2: Dreams Defiled
Ian Miller: First Contact 3: Jonathan Munros
Ian Miller: Gaius Claudius Scaevola 1: Athene's Prophecy
Lee Murray and Dan Rabarts (Editors): Baby Teeth - Bite-Sized Tales
of Terror (Anthology)
James Norcliffe: Felix and the Red Rats
Angela Oliver: Lemur's Saga 1 - Fellowship of the Ringtails
Richard Parry: Night's Favour
Alicia Ponder, Peter Friend and Eileen Mueller (Editors): Twisty
Christmas Tales - Festive Short Stories for Children of All Ages
Lila Richards: Restitutions of the Blood
Freya Robertson: Heartwood
Joseph Edward Ryan: The Factory World
Nalini Singh: Heart of Obsidian
R. L. Stedman: A Necklace Of Souls
Rainer Süss: Storm Brewing
Robert Wainwright: Talisman of Vim
Brandy Wehinger: Blue
Gary Weston: Craggy 1: Last Flight for Craggy
Gary Weston: Craggy 2: Another Last Flight for Craggy
Gary Weston: Craggy 3: Craggy's Final Last Flight
Gary Weston: Craggy 4: Craggy: One Flight Too Far
Steve Wheeler: Crystal Venom
Summer Wigmore: The Wind City
Pip Ballantine & Tee Morris: The Janus Affair
Philippa Ballantine: Hunter And Fox
Philippa Ballantine: Wrayth
K. D. Berry: Growing Disenchantments
Fredrik Brounéus: The Prince Of Soul And The Lighthouse
Adam Christopher: Empire State
Adam Christopher: Seven Wonders
Wiliam Cook: Blood Related
Matt and Debbie Cowens (With Katherine Mansfield): Mansfield
With Monsters
Kerry Dillon: The God Child
Kerry Dillon: Network Of Fear
Ke-Yana Drake: Time Speaker
David Hair: Justice And Utu
David Hair: Mage's Blood
Sharon Hannaford: A Cat's Chance In Hell
Sharon Hanaford: All Hell Breaks Loose
Karyn King: The Isles
Rachel King: Red Rocks
Helen Lowe: The Gathering Of The Lost
Lyn McConchie: Queen Of Iron Years
Paul Mannering (Ed): Tales From The Bell Club
Juliet Mariller: Shadowfell
Juliet Mariller: Flame Of Sevenwaters
Ian Miller: Troubles
Ian Miller: Red Gold
Michael Morrissey: Tropic Of Skorpeo
James Norcliffe: The Enchanted Flute
Angela Oliver: Aroha's Grand Adventure
Angela Oliver: Midsummer Knight's Quest
Ripley Patton: Ghost Hand
Gareth Renowden: The Burning World - Book 1: The Aviator
Nalini Singh: Archangel's Storm
Nalini Singh: Tangle Of Need
Chris Strange: Don't Be A Hero
M. Darusha Wehm: The Beauty Of Our Weapons
Gary Weston: 95 Million Killers
Gary Weston: Dusty Miller 8
Steve Wheeler: Burnt Ice
Alma Alexander: Midnight At Spanish Gardens
Alma Alexander: Once Upon A Fairy Tale
Tui Allen: Ripple
Philippa Ballantine: Spectyr
Pip Ballantine & Tee Morris: Phoenix Rising
Fleur Beale: Heart Of Danger
Bernard Beckett: August
K. D. Berry: Dragons Away!
Gary Cross: Swarm Of The Undead
Edward Davies: Divine Intervention
Kerry Dillon: Servants Of Tane
Kerry Dillon: The Fourth Crystal
Kerry Dillon: Pathway Of The Gods
Kerry Dillon: Hybrid Avatar
Kerry Dillon: Time Of Spellcasters
A. J. Dormaar: The Unclaimed Throne
Barbara Else: The Travelling Restaurant
Brian Falkner: Recon Team Angel: Assault
Emily Gee: The Sentinel Mage
Warwick Gibson: In The Heart Of Stars
Chris Guise: The Art Of The Adventures Of Tintin: Weta
Mandy Hagar: Resurrection
Paul Haines: The Last Days Of Kali Yuga (Collection)
David Hair: The Ghost Bride
David Hair: The Lost Tohunga
Karen Healey: The Shattering
Phillip Henderson: Maig's Hand
Jane Higgins: The Bridge
Raymond Huber: Wings
Tim Kilgour: Last Arrival In Time
Jack Lasenby: Calling The Gods
Glynne MacLean: Space Race
Anna MacKenzie: Finder's Shore
Paul Mannering: Tankbread
Paul Mannering: The Man Who Could Not Climb Stairs and Other
Strange Stories (Collection)
Ged Maybury: Across The Stonewind Sky
Russell Meek: The Madness Of Hallen
Ian Miller: Puppeteer
Paula Morris: Dark Souls
Meg Mundell: Black Glass
Lee Murray: Battle Of The Birds
Emma Neale: Fosterling
James Norcliffe: The Loblolly Boy And The Sorceror
Joanna Orwin: Sacrifice
Ian Packman: The Stones Of Akron II
Ian Packman: The Stones Of Akron III
Geoff Palmer: Too Many Zeros
Michael J. Parry: The Spiral Tattoo
Alicia Ponder and Peter Friend: The Great Weta Robbery
Nalini Singh: Archangel's Blade
Nalini Singh: Archangel's Consort
Nalini Singh: Kiss Of Snow
Phillip W. Simpson: Rapture
Chris Strange: The Man Who Crossed Worlds
Lucy Sussex: Matilda Told Such Dreadful Lies (Collection)
Mary Victoria: Samiha's Song
Mary Victoria: Oracle's Fire
M. Darusha Wehm: Act Of Will
Gary Weston: Dusty Miller 1
Gary Weston: Dusty Miller 2
Gary Weston: Dusty Miller 3
Gary Weston: Dusty Miller 4
Gary Weston: Dusty Miller 5
Gary Weston: Dusty Miller 6
Gary Weston: Dusty Miller 7
Gary Weston: Riders of the Plane 1: Dusty Miller 6
Gary Weston: Riders of the Plane 2: Dusty Miller 7
Pat Whitaker: Nmemesis
Karen Whittaker: Fracture
Geoffrey Wilson: Land Of Hope And Glory
R. J. Astruc: A Festival Of Skeletons
Philipa Ballantine: Geist
Fleur Beale: Fierce September
Grace Bridges: Legendary Space Pilgrims
Anna Caro and Juliet Buchanan (Editors): A Foreign Country
Ken Catran: Smiling Jack
Gary Cross: Empire Of The Undead
Rowena De Silva: Aria
Daniel Falconer: The Art Of District 9: Weta Workshop
Brian Falkner: The Project
Maurice Gee: The Limping Man
Warwick Gibson: Orouth
Mandy Hagar: Into The Wilderness
David Hair: Pyre Of Queens
David Hair: The Taniwha's Tear
Karen Healey: Guardian Of The Dead
Phillip Henderson: Druid's Bane
Helen Lowe: The Heir Of Night
Anna MacKenzie: Ebony Hill
Lyn McConchie: The Questing Road
Lyn McConchie: Summer Of Dreaming
Juliet Mariller: Seer Of Sevenwaters
Larry Nelson: SpacEscape
Ian Packman: The Stones Of Akron I
Simon Petrie: Rare Unsigned Copy -
Tales Of Rocketry, Ineptitude and Giant Mutant Vegetables (Collection)
Lee Pletzers: The Game
Lila Richards: A Different Hunger
Reg Ruckey: Critical Orbit
Nalini Singh: Archangel's Kiss
Nalini Singh: Bonds Of Justice
Nalini Singh: Play Of Passion
David Sutton: Harvenger
Paul Tobin (Ed): White Cloud Worlds
Douglas A. Van Belle: Barking Death Squirrels
Mary Victoria: Tymon's Flight
Emma Weakley: Jack And The Beanstalk
M. Darusha Wehm: Self Made
Alma Alexander: Worldweavers: Cybermage
Lisa Agnew: The Overman's Folly
Grace Bridges: Faith Awakened
Greg Broadmore: Victory
Ken Catran: Nina Of The Dark
John Cairney: Flashback Forward
Gary Cross: Plague Of The Undead
Gary Cross: Super Sister
Brian Falkner: Brainjack
Emily Gee: The Laurentine Spy
Warwick Gibson: Starfire Scourge
Elenor Gill: Dreams Of Origami
Mandy Hagar: The Crossing
David Hair: The Bone Tiki
Russell Kirkpatrick: Beyond The Wall Of Time
Elizabeth Knox: The Angel's Cut
Glynne Maclean: The Silent
Glynne Maclean: The Test
Margaret Mahy: The Dark Blue 100 Bus Ride Ticket
Juliet Marillier: Heart's Blood
Paula Morris: Ruined
James Norcliffe: The Loblolly Boy
Lee Pletzers: The Last Church
Nalini Singh: Angel's Blood
Nalini Singh: Angel's Pawn
Nalini Singh: Branded By Fire
Nalini Singh: Blaze Of Memory
Michael Thorp: Ben Brown's Adventure Beyond The Universe - The
Return Of The Nephilim
Wayne Watson: Meddlers In Time
Ella West: Real
M. Darusha Wehm: Beautiful Red
Pat Whitaker: Returning
Daniel Williamson: Magician, Man and Beast
Alma Alexander: Worldweavers: Spellspam
Philipa Ballantine: Digital Magic
R. E. Bartlett: The Personifid Invasion
Fleur Beale: Juno Of Taris
Amy Brooke: Who Will Speak For The Dreamer?
M. Ross Davies: ClanDragon
Brian Falkner: The Tomorrow Code
Maurice Gee: Gool
Elenor Gill: The Moon Spun Round
N. D. Hansen-Hill: ErRatic
Peter Harris: The Girl And The Guardian - Vol. 1 of The Apples Of
Kevin Ireland: The Jigsaw Chronicles
Sarah Johnston: Ella And Ob
Tim Jones: Transported (Collection)
Russell Kirkpatrick: Dark Heart
John Lockyer: Lost
Helen Lowe: Thornspell
Glynne Maclean: The Spiral Chrysalis
Glynne Maclean: The Time Stealers
Margaret Mahy: The Magician Of Hoad
Juliet Marillier: Heir To Sevenwaters
Linda McNabb: Dragon's Bane
Mike Reeves-McMillan: City Of Masks
Toni Rolleston-Cummins: The Seven Stars Of Matariki
Jack Ross: EMO
Nalini Singh: Hostage To Pleasure
Nalini Singh: Mine To Posess
Nalini Singh: Stroke Of Enticement (Novella)
Len Sky: The Realm
Jillian Sullivan: Silverstream
Ian Wedde: Chinese Opera
Ella West: Anywhere But Here
Pat Whitaker: Antithesis
Pat Whitaker: Bad Blood
Pat Whitaker: Mindset
Pat Whitaker: Raw Spirit
Pat Whitaker: Time Out
Alma Alexander: Worldweavers: Gift Of The Unmage
L-J Baker: Lady Knight
Bernard Beckett: Genesis
S. V. Bodle: Secret Of The Stolen Scripts
Sam J. Charlton: The Children Of Isador
Maurice Gee: Salt
Emily Gee: Thief With No Shadow
Elenor Gill: Miriam's Talisman
Craig Harrison: Dumpster Saga
Tim Jones: Anarya's Secret: An Earthdawn Novel
Sherryl Jordan: The Silver Dragon
Sherryl Jordan: Time Of The Eagle
Russell Kirkpatrick: Path of Revenge
Elizabeth Knox: DreamQuake
B. P. Lilburn: Okraalom
Anna MacKenzie: The Sea-Wreck Stranger
Marie Manderson: Keeper Of Secrets
Juliet Marillier: Cybele's Secret
Linda McNabb: The Shadow Hunters
Linda McNabb: Timeweaver
Linda McNabb: Valley Of Silver
Diana Noonan: Flight From Ledron
Lee Pletzers: Terror Tales
Dawn Rotarangi: Ripples On The Lake
Tina Shaw: Into The Hinterland
Nalini Singh: Beat Of Temptation (Novella,
Nalini Singh: Caressed by Ice
Nalini Singh: Visions Of Heat
Tulia Thompson: Josefa And The Vu
Isabel Waiti-Mulholland: Inna Furey
Yvonne Eve Walus: Interview With The Dragon
Alma Alexander: The Embers Of Heaven
Chris Baker: Shadow Waters
L-J Baker: Broken Wings
S. V. Bodle: Hunt For The Emberteller
Hugh Cook: The Succubus and Other Stories (Collection)
Hugh Cook: This Is a Picture of Your God: A Hugh Cook Reader
Nigel Cox: The Cowboy Dog
Bill Direen: Song Of The Brakeman
Elenor Gill: In the Shadows Of Trees
Paul Haines: Doorways For The Disposessed (Collection)
N. D. Hansen-Hill: Gray Beginnings
N. D. Hansen-Hill: Vision
Peter Harris: The Icon Of Ainenia
Rod Hylands: Lateral Connection
V. M. Jones: Quest For The Sun - Karazan Quartet #4
Russell Kirkpatrick: The Right Hand of God
Margaret Mahy: Kaitangata Twitch
Margaret Mahy: Maddigan's Quest (Also produced as a TV series)
Margaret Mahy: Portable Ghosts
Juliet Marillier: The Well Of Shades
Juliet Marillier: Wildwood Dancing
Janice Marriott: Chute Thru
Lyn McConchie: Beastmaster's Quest
Linda McNabb: Mountains Of Fire
Linda McNabb: The Crystal Runners
Caroline McCurdie: Unquiet
James Norcliffe: The Assassin of Gleam
Jack Ross: The Imaginary Museum of Atlantis
Nalini Singh: Slave To Sensation
Lucy Sussex: Absolute Uncertainty (Collection)
Penelope Todd: Box
Yvonne Eve Walus: Sex, Lies And Here Be Dragons (Collection)
Ella West: Thieves
Philipa Ballantine: Chasing The Bard
R. E. Bartlett: The Personifid Project
S. V. Bodle: Battle For The Savant Sceptre
Ken Catran: Something Wicked This Way Comes
Hugh Cook: Bamboo Horses
Hugh Cook: To Find and Wake the Dreamer
Gary Cross: Borderland
N. D. Hansen-Hill: Bone Song
N. D. Hansen-Hill: The Hollowing
V. M. Jones: Prince Of The Wind - Karazan Quartet #3
Rob Kirk: Light From A Distant Universe
Russell Kirkpatrick: Across the Face of the World
Russell Kirkpatrick: In the Earth Abides the Flame
Elizabeth Knox: Dreamhunter
Juliet Marillier: Blade Of Fortrieu
Juliet Marillier: Foxmask
Juliet Marillier: The Dark Mirror
Lyn McConchie: Silver May Tarnish
Lyn McConchie: The Duke's Ballad
Linda McNabb: Runeweaver
Linda McNabb: The Seventh Son
Ged Maybury: Snowcave Inn
James Norcliffe: Along Blueskin Road
Lucy Sussex: A Tour Guide in Utopia (Collection)
Alma Alexander: The Hidden Queen
Alma Alexander: The Secrets of Jin-Shei
Ken Catran: Blue
Ken Catran: More Weird Stuff About Mr Foster
Ken Catran: Protus Rising
Ken Catran: Seal Boy
Nigel Cox: Tarzan Presley
Stu Dunn: Sarophia
N. D. Hansen-Hill: Blood Works
N. D. Hansen-Hill: Relic
Mike Johnson: Stench
V. M. Jones: Beyond The Shroud - Karazan Quartet #2
Lyn McConchie: Beastmaster's Circus
Linda McNabb: The Stonekeeper's Daughter
Lorraine Orman: Cross Tides
Lee Pletzers: Re-Entry Of Evil
Ken Catran: Artists are Crazy and Other Stories
Ken Catran: Bloody Liggie
Ken Catran: Lin and the Red Stranger
Ken Catran: Odysseus
Dale Elvy: Dark Shinto
N. D. Hansen-Hill: Elf
N. D. Hansen-Hill: Fire
N. D. Hansen-Hill: Grave Image
N. D. Hansen-Hill: Light
N. D. Hansen-Hill: Static
N. D. Hansen-Hill: Trolls
V. M. Jones: Serpents Of Arakesh - Karazan Quartet #1
Elizabeth Knox: Daylight
Glynne Maclean: Roivan (Penguin NZ,
Juliet Marillier: Wolfskin
Lyn McConchie: Beastmaster's Ark
Linda McNabb: The Puppet Master
Ged Maybury: Scuttle And The Zipzaps
Lucy Sussex: The Revognase
Lisa Agnew: Sword
Agnes-Mary Brooke: From Whatever Shadows They Came
Ken Catran: Blue Murder
Ken Catran: Something Weird About Mr Foster
Ken Catran: Tomorrow The Dark
Dale Elvy: Spirit City
N. D. Hansen-Hill: Grave Imagery
Alma Hromic: Changer of Days, Volume 2
Sherryl Jordan: Hunting Of The Last Dragon
Margaret Mahy: Alchemy
Juliet Marillier: Child Of The Prophecy
Lyn McConchie: The Troll and the Huia
Linda McNabb: The Dragon's Apprentice
Ged Maybury: Pig Apples
Yvonne Eve Walus: Distant Drums (Collection)
Yvonne Eve Walus: NoWhen (Collection)
Chris Baker: Kokopu Dreams
Agnes-Mary Brooke: Dragon Moon
Agnes-Mary Brooke: Jasper And Granny May
Agnes-Mary Brooke: The Little brass Bell
Ken Catran: Mall Rats
Ken Catran: Taken at the Flood
Dale Elvy: First Hunter
N. D. Hansen-Hill: Graven Image
Alma Hromic: Changer of Days, Volume 1
Mike Johnson: Counterpart
Tim Jones: Extreme Weather Events (Collection)
Elizabeth Knox: Black Oxen
Donna Malane: Alien Time
Juliet Marillier: Son Of The Shadows
Linda McNabb: And The Winner Is...
Ged Maybury: I Am Leatherman
Lee Pletzers: Blood Of The Wolf
Cherry Wilder: The Wanderer (with Katya Reimann)
Agnes-Mary Brooke: The Duck Who Went To Heaven
Agnes-Mary Brooke: The Moa Stone
Ken Catran: Road Kill
Ken Catran: Talking to Blue
Ken Catran: The Onager
Ken Catran: Voyage with Jason
Joy Cowley: Starbright And The Dream Eater
Nigel Cox: Skylark Lounge
N. D. Hansen-Hill: Crystals
N. D. Hansen-Hill: Grave Images
N. D. Hansen-Hill: Lightning Play
N. D. Hansen-Hill: Light Play
N. D. Hansen-Hill: Light Plays
N. D. Hansen-Hill: Mud
N. D. Hansen-Hill: Shades
N. D. Hansen-Hill: Trees
Margaret Mahy: A Dissolving Ghost: Essays and More
Juliet Marillier: Daughter Of The Forest
Ged Maybury: Crab Apples
Alma Alexander: Letters from the Fire (with R. A. Deckert)
Ken Catran: The Golden Prince
Sandi Hall: Rumours Of Dreams
Sherryl Jordan: The Raging Quiet
Lyn McConchie: Olaf, Tui and the Bullies
Lyn McConchie: Tales From the Marrigan Trade House
Alan Robson: Trimmings From The Triffid's Beard Vol. 2 (Criticism)
Joy Cowley: Ticket To The Sky Dance
Elizabeth Knox: The Vintner's Luck
Lyn McConchie: Ciara's Song
Lyn McConchie: The Troll And The Taniwha
Ged Maybury: Horse Apples
James Norcliffe: A Kind of Kingdom
Lyn McConchie: The Lonely Troll
Lyn McConchie: Troll's New Jersey
Sherryl Jordan: The Great Bear Burglary
Michael Morrissey: Paradise to Come
Lucy Sussex: Black Ice
Lucy Sussex: The Penguin Friend
Agnes-Mary Brooke: The Owl, The Two And The Medlar
Mike Johnson: Dumb Show
Sherryl Jordan: Secret Sacrament
Sherryl Jordan: Wizard For A Day
Phillip Mann: Tales From The Out Of Time Cafe (Editor)
Phillip Mann: The Burning Forest
Lucy Sussex: The Scarlet Rider
Cherry Wilder: Signs of Life
Alma Alexander: The Dolphin's Daughter and Other Stories
Ken Catran: Deepwater Angels
Ken Catran: Deepwater Landing
Ken Catran: Doomfire on Venus
Ken Catran: Dream Bite
Ken Catran: Fries
Ken Catran: Ghosts Of Triton
Ken Catran: The Secret Of Boomer Lake
Sherryl Jordan: Sign Of The Lion
Phillip Mann: The Dragon Wakes
Lyn McConchie: Key Of The Keplian
Ged Maybury: Hive Of The Starbees
Ged Maybury: The Rebel Masters
James Norcliffe: The Carousel Experiment
Lucy Sussex: Shadow Alley: Nine Crime Stories (Editor)
Lucy Sussex: She's Fantastical (Editor)
Cherry Wilder: Dealers in Light and Darkness (Collection)
Ken Catran: Shadow Of Phobos
Sherryl Jordan: Tanith [Also published as: Wolf Woman]
Phillip Mann: Stand Alone Stan
James Norcliffe: The Emerald Encyclopaedia
Lucy Sussex: Deersnake
Lucy Sussex: The Lottery: Nine Science Fiction Stories (Editor)
Lucy Sussex: The Patternmaker: Nine Science Fiction Stories
Ken Catran: Deepwater Black
Tim Jones: Electoplasm (Editor)
Sherryl Jordan: Winter Of Fire
Phillip Mann: Escape To The Wild Wood
Ged Maybury: The Seventh Robe
Ged Maybury: The Triggerstone
James Norcliffe: Penguin Bay
James Norcliffe: The Chinese Interpreter (Collection)
Alan Robson: Trimmings From The Triffid's Beard Vol. 1 (Criticism)
Agnes-Mary Brooke: Night Of The Medlar
Hugh Cook: The Witchlord and the Weaponmaster
Hugh Cook: The Worshippers and the Way
Gaelyn Gordon: Tripswitch
Tim Jones: What On Earth? (Editor)
Sherryl Jordan: Denzil's Dilemma
Agnes-Mary Brooke: A Ring Around The Sun
Hugh Cook: The Lords of the Sword
Hugh Cook: The Werewolf and the Wormlord
Mike Johnson: Lethal Dose
Sherryl Jordan: The Juniper Game
Sherryl Jordan: The Wednesday Wizard
Margaret Mahy: Dangerous Spaces
Ged Maybury: StarTroopers
Michael Morrissey: Octavio's Last Invention
James Norcliffe: Under the Rotunda
Hugh Cook: The Wazir and the Witch
Hugh Cook: The Wishstone and the Wonderworkers
Sherryl Jordan: A Time Of Darkness
Sherryl Jordan: Rocco
Phillip Mann: Wulfsyarn - A Mosaic
Ged Maybury: Silicone Stew
Lucy Sussex: My Lady Tongue and Other Tales (Collection)
Hugh Cook: The Oracle
Hugh Cook: The Wicked and the Witless
Sherryl Jordan: The Wobbly Tooth
Phillip Mann: Pioneers
Lucy Sussex: The Fortunes of Mary Fortune (Editor)
Lucy Sussex: The Peace Garden
Hugh Cook: The Heroes Return
Hugh Cook: The Questing Hero
Hugh Cook: The Walrus and the Warwolf
Janet Frame: The Carpathians
Craig Harrison: Days of Starlight
Mike Johnson: Anti Body Positive
Margaret Mahy: The Door in the Air and Other Stories
Cherry Wilder: Cruel Designs
Hugh Cook: The Women and the Warlords
Hugh Cook: The Wordsmiths and the Warguild
Sandi Hall: Wingwomen Of Hera
Elizabeth Knox: After Z-Hour
Phillip Mann: The Fall Of The Families
Ken Catran: Hanlon
Hugh Cook: The Shift
Hugh Cook: The Wizards and the Warriors aka Wizard War
Mike Johnson: Lear: the Shakespeare Company Plays Lear at Babylon
Sherryl Jordan: Matthew's Monsters
Margaret Mahy: Aliens in the Family
Margaret Mahy: The Tricksters
Phillip Mann: Master Of Paxwax
Ged Maybury: Timetwister
Cherry Wilder: The Summer's King
Maurice Gee: Motherstone
Margaret Mahy: The Catalogue of the Universe
Michael Morrissey: The New Fiction (Editor)
Joanna Orwin: Guardian Of The Land
Ken Catran: Children of the Dog Star
Maurice Gee: The Priests of Ferris
Phillip Mann: The Eye Of The Queen
Cherry Wilder: A Princess of the Chameln
Cherry Wilder: Yorath the Wolf
Janet Frame: You Are Entering The Human Heart (Collection)
Cherry Wilder: The Tapestry Warriors
Maurice Gee: The Halfmen of O
Sandi Hall: The Godmothers
Cherry Wilder: Second Nature
Craig Harrison: The Quiet Earth
Michael Morrissey: The Fat Lady & The Astronomer: Some Persons,
Persuasions, Paranoias, and Places You Ought to Encounter
Hugh Cook: Plague Summer
Maurice Gee: The World Around the Corner
Cherry Wilder: The Nearest Fire
Janet Frame: Living In The Maniototo
Maurice Gee: Under the Mountain
M. K. Joseph: The Time of Achamoth
Cherry Wilder: The Luck of Brin's Five
Craig Harrison: Broken October
Diana Moorhead: Gull Man's Glory
Craig Harrison: Tomorrow Will Be a Lovely Day
Diana Moorhead: The Green And The White
Janet Frame: Intensive Care
Colin Gibson: The Pepper Leaf
Diana Moorhead: In Search Of Magic
C. K. Stead: Smith's Dream
M. K. Joseph: The Hole in the Zero
Bee Baldwin: Red Dust
Janet Frame: Scented Garden For The Blind
Janet Frame: Snowman, Snowman: Fables And Fantasies (Collection)
Dulcie Deamer: Holiday
Dulcie Deamer: The Devil's Saint
Dulcie Deamer: In The Beginning: Six Studies Of The Stone Age And
Other Stories (Collection)
William Satchell: The Elixir Of Life
George W. Bell: Mr Oseba's Last Discovery
Godfrey Sweven: Limanora: The Island of Progress
Samuel Butler: Erewhon Revisited
Godfrey Sweven: Riallaro: The Archipelago of Exiles
Edward Tregear: Hedged With Divinities
Ajor: The Secret Of Mount Cook
Henry Crocker Marriott-Watson: The Decline and Fall of the British
Empire, or The Witch's Cavern
Julius Vogel: Anno Domini 2000; or, Woman's Destiny
The Inhabitant: The Great Romance
Henry Crocker Marriott-Watson: Erchomenon, or The Republic of
Samuel Butler: Erewhon; or Over the Range