Sasha Duncan is a Psy, a race devoid of emotions. The problem
is Sasha feels emotions and she is terrified that this will be discovered. And she should
be scared because if she was discovered she would e put through rehabilitation
a processes that removes all traces of who she was and "reprograms" her into the
"perfect" Psy. On the complete opposite side of the fence is Lucas Hunter, a
Changeling. A being who is full of emotion. These two races are on the verge of war over
the brutal murders of a few Changelings women. Can they work together with there entire
worlds unravelling?
I liked the overall storyline and the concepts of the Psy and the Changelings. But I
felt that the story was rushed. Having said that when I got into it the story it was good.
This was my first time reading Nalini Singh and I would read another of her books.