Science Fiction and Fantasy Association of New Zealand

Traitors Gate Traitors Gate
by Kate Elliott

Supplied for review by Hachette New Zealand

Reviewed By: Kevin Maclean

I've had a Kate Elliott book on my to-be-read shelf for years. So it was with a certain amount of concern that I took possession of 574 pages of trade paperback with her name on the cover. Especially since it was volume three in the series...

My concerns were misplaced. Traitors' Gate works just fine as a standalone novel. The characters are well-drawn and credible. The world and story are rich without over-embellishment. And always, you get the sense that you are going somewhere. Yes, the book is big. That's because the story is big. The prose is lean and spare, and really, the book couldn't be any shorter.

It takes a great deal of skill to get me reading a book without critiquing it. Ms Elliott succeeded. Fans of epic fantasy have a treat in store for them.

Oh, and kudos to the book designer and the production team. The Australian-printed Orbit TPB edition is a pleasure to handle and read.

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