Pavletich Maree Pavletich has been actively involved in the Science Fiction
community for many years, taking an active role in the smooth running of the Stella Nova
Science Fiction and Fantasy Association, of which she is currently the President, having
been elected in 2006 to serve in this role.
She has run three New Zealand National Science Fiction Conventions; Conscience (1989),
KiwiCon (1990) & Odysseycon (2001) and was Condor's Fan Guest of Honour. In
2004, Maree was the FFANZ Laureate for her fund-raising and as part of her duties
travelled to the Australian National Science Fiction Convention that was held in Canberra,
Australia (Conflux).
Maree has done almost everything in fandom at least once, such as writing, acting,
filking, model making and costuming and has served on many committees promoting Science
Fiction and Fantasy. She believes that fans need to step up and promote fandom.
For all the services she has performed on behalf of New Zealand fandom at the local,
regional and national level, from when she first started in Fandom in 1982 to now
(December 2008).
Maree's service to the community of New Zealand fans is extensive, significant and
She has taken part in the running and administration of the local Auckland SF club,
then called the Auckland Science Fiction Modellers Club. She is still active within local
Auckland SF fan circles running the Stella-Nova Club and is their current serving club
Of particularly note-worthy mention is her extensive participation and experience in
running conventions, both at the regional and the national levels. She started on the
ConCom with NorCon II in 1984. She then started running conventions with ConScience in
1989, and then KiwiCon in 1990. Maree was on the ConCom of Conquest 1 (1995) and Conquest
2 (1999). OdysseyCon in 2001 was a national convention where she was the Con Chair.
OdysseyCon was significant in that the Literary Guest of Honour, Mercedes Lackey
generously donated hand-made costume jewellery as fund-raising items to New Zealand
conventions, of which Maree served as the Administrator of the supply until it ran out in
2008. The costume jewellery were worthwhile items to have at a convention auction.
OdysseyCon was also very enjoyable and successful. It enjoying a large turn-out of people
who spent money at the Con and generally had a very good time.
Maree also helped out extensively for Contour in 2004, even though she was not on the
ConCom. She booked events, gave advice, helped with transporting convention items and
baked the chocolate cakes that were served to Con attendees for the "Coffee and Cake
Meet and Greet" held after the Con Opening ceremony. She is currently helping out
behind the scenes for Conscription 2009 but is not on the ConCom.
Maree was Fan Guest of Honour at Cond'Or, held in 2000 in Wellington.
Maree along with her husband Matthew were the FFANZ Delegates in 2004. They travelled
to Conflux, the Australian Natcon held in Canberra that year. They had a slot at the next
NZ convention, at iCon, where they talked about their experiences as FFANZ delegates.
Their FFANZ report was well-presented and readable - clearly outlining the trip details.
Maree also had to do fund-raising for FFANZ after her trip, one example being a raffle
which included Mercedes Lackey costume jewellery.
Maree even ran a night-shift at a World Con once. Maree is currently organising group
air travel for NZ fans to go to AussieCon4, the World Con in 2010.
Maree currently serves on the Board of SFFANZ, and has done so since 2002 when the
Board of SFFANZ was first elected during Con With the Wind.